CPZ may be introduced on street by street basis even if majority vote against

'The results of the consultation, combined with the views of the community council and the parking occupancy surveys will help determine whether or not a CPZ is introduced (subject to second stage consultation) in some or all of the area.

If a decision is made to go ahead with introducing a CPZ, we will carry out a second consultation with all residents and businesses in the roads concerned to determine the final parking layout before works begin.'

Southwark Council Parking Review

Network development team Paul Gellard
Tel: 020 7525 2021 / 7764 / 2131

Do you want a CPZ?

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Diagonal Parking in Holmdene Avenue...why was it dropped by Southwark Council?

Apparently Southwark council had plans to introduce diagonal parking along one side of Holmdene Avenue a few years back.  The wide street would have easily accommodated this and provided a lot more FREE parking spaces without the need for a costly and problematic CPZ. Does anyone know why this wasn't implemented and hasn't been mentioned in the current 'consultation'?

Councillor Toby Eckersley informs me that this may have been rejected in the past on safety grounds... 'the danger of reversing out'. But as Southwark have brought in a new 20mph speed limit in Holmdene Avenue (see link) would this still be a concern? Also, diagonal parking is hardly a new idea...how do other streets manage the backing out issue?


1 comment:

  1. Charlotte Judet2:42 pm

    There's diagonal parking in Dulwich Village – a much busier road than Holmdene.

    Nick, when we met on Friday I mentioned that roads such as Stradella, which you repeatedly referred to as an example of a successful CPZ, included some properties that have off-road parking in their front 'gardens'. You replied that you thought that there were only a few such properties. You might be interested to know that I've just driven down Stradella and I counted 49 off-road parking spaces, some big enough for two cars, on a street of 107 houses plus some flats. Comparing the likes of Elmwood, Danecroft, Frankfurt and Elfindale with Stradella is thus not comparing like with like.
