CPZ may be introduced on street by street basis even if majority vote against

'The results of the consultation, combined with the views of the community council and the parking occupancy surveys will help determine whether or not a CPZ is introduced (subject to second stage consultation) in some or all of the area.

If a decision is made to go ahead with introducing a CPZ, we will carry out a second consultation with all residents and businesses in the roads concerned to determine the final parking layout before works begin.'

Southwark Council Parking Review

Network development team Paul Gellard
Tel: 020 7525 2021 / 7764 / 2131

Do you want a CPZ?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Strongly against CPZ in Red Post Hill

I am strongly against the introduction of a Parking Zone in the area.  I live opposite the Charter School and whilst sometimes it may be difficult to find a parking spot there are plenty of available spaces in roads nearby and I have legs and am capable of walking.  Its very rare that I do not find space so the argument that it will guarantee parking for local residents falls very flat.  We are all adults here. Why do we need to bring in a tax just so we can park.

At a time when most local councils are striving to reduce street clutter I find the proposal to add yet more confusing signage, road markings and the addition of traffic wardens in the area unpalatable.  If the traffic wardens served a civic purpose I might find that agreeable but I rather think that even if they saw a crime been commited or some suspicious activity they would rather turn a blind eye than report it to the police.  They serve no function other than to cause unrest and another blot on the landscape.

Finally in a time of belt tightening and high fuel prices yet another tax to bring in that will not bring any benefits to the local area.

dominic ono louth
red post hill

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