CPZ may be introduced on street by street basis even if majority vote against

'The results of the consultation, combined with the views of the community council and the parking occupancy surveys will help determine whether or not a CPZ is introduced (subject to second stage consultation) in some or all of the area.

If a decision is made to go ahead with introducing a CPZ, we will carry out a second consultation with all residents and businesses in the roads concerned to determine the final parking layout before works begin.'

Southwark Council Parking Review

Network development team Paul Gellard
Tel: 020 7525 2021 / 7764 / 2131

Do you want a CPZ?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Support for a CPZ

I quite understand why residents in the core of the North Dulwich triangle oppose a CPZ. However, those of us who live close to the Charter School and North Dulwich station are under very considerable daily pressure and can rarely find a parking space near our homes. Why assume that a CPZ need necessarily cover the whole consultation area? I would encourage the Traffic Engineers to be innovative when considering possible solutions and consider a small scheme or extension of an existing zone to cover areas which clearly have problems and ask residents to consider any such well designed scheme their support.
Duncan Macrae

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:35 pm

    We live just round the corner from Duncan (Ardbeg Road) and support this suggestion - any chance we could limit CPZ to roads that are particularly badly affected by commuter parking?

    We would support introduction of a 2 hour window Mon-Fri towards the middle of the working day. No commuters. Friends and family visiting afternoons / evenings / weekends fine!
