CPZ may be introduced on street by street basis even if majority vote against

'The results of the consultation, combined with the views of the community council and the parking occupancy surveys will help determine whether or not a CPZ is introduced (subject to second stage consultation) in some or all of the area.

If a decision is made to go ahead with introducing a CPZ, we will carry out a second consultation with all residents and businesses in the roads concerned to determine the final parking layout before works begin.'

Southwark Council Parking Review

Network development team Paul Gellard
Tel: 020 7525 2021 / 7764 / 2131

Do you want a CPZ?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Motivated by some undeclared political agenda

Not having received a 'voting slip' with my booklet regarding the proposed plans for a CPZ in the North Dulwich Triangle, I am writing to expresss my clear and unqualified denunciation of this project which seems to be motivated by some undeclared political agenda and not the will of those who live in the area.

I have lived in 25 Frankfurt Road for 21 years and I can categorically say that there has been no recent change in parking availability in my road that would justify the introduction of a CPZ. The last time this proposal was tabled I made a similar observation to my councillors. I strongly resent the idea that I will have to pay an annual fee for a CPZ that neither gives me guaranteed parking (I have NEVER, in fact, at any time of the day been unable to park in MY road) nor for which there is any proven need.

Southwark is behaving with the same kind of bureaucratic disregard for democratic procedures as the EU. Just as the EU ignores legitimate referenda - in Ireland for example - insisting on the imposition of further referenda until the people are bored/beaten into submission, so Southwark is NOT listening to those who live in this area. The Council is elected to serve the constituents of Southwark not its own, murky political ends.

I would like an acknowledgement of this email, please, from whoever reads it at theparkingreview@southwark.gov.uk and an assurance that my views will be added to those received in the completed voting slips.

Chris Chivers
Frankfurt Road
SE24 9NX

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